As this series was all about my early years and those of our own family, I had to include some Christmas photos. I?m not going to write much about the different Christmases here because I?ve written extensively about them in the Advent Series a year ago.
So without further ado, here are some family snaps from that period, some not great photographically but good family memories. I?ve substituted the collage photo with a similar one with both girls in it.
Xmas delight
Miss-Nearly-Three and the joy of seeing the Christmas tree in all its glory.
This year the Xmas tree was a casuarina.
The little one was very miserable with an ear ache for her first Christmas -we had to put them in the car and go for a drive to settle her down. Poor possum. If you?re wondering why all the long sleeves and jumpers, it?s because Goroka is at an altitude of 1600m or 5249ft, so it can be chilly overnight and in the morning.
And then we moved on to a gum tree (eucalyptus)
Apparently by the end of our stay in Moresby we had bought the artificial tree which we kept for many years, but first there was the gum tree version.
The clowns were presents from my parents.
That same year Mr Cassmob excelled himself (with a little help from Mrs Claus) in the making of a dolls? house. It was a good home for the Fisher Price dolls!
This is the house that Mr Cassmob (aka Santa) built.
This post is part of the?February Photo Collage Festival?and the?Family History Writing Challenge.
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