Monday, October 22, 2012

ARCIC | The U.S. Army Capabilities Integration Center Selects Desktop Alert Mass Notification System

Desktop Alert Mass Notification Platform continues U.S. Army expansion with selection by The U.S. Army Capabilities Integration Center

Chatham, New Jersey (PRWEB) October 22, 2012

Desktop Alert announced today that U.S. Army Capabilities and Integration Center has selected Desktop Alert Mass Notification products and services.

The Army Capabilities Integration Center leads the development and integration of force capabilities across the DOTMLPF (Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System, or JCIDS) for the Army within a Joint and Multinational environment to support Joint Force Commanders.

The Army Capabilities Integration Center (ARCIC) is the Army's leader in the identification, design, development, and synchronization of capabilities into the Army current Modular Force and the future Modular Force, bringing together all the Army agencies as well as Joint, Multinational and other DoD agencies to manage rapid change. The ARCIC supports TRADOC in providing adaptive Soldiers, leaders and units by contributing to the development of doctrine, TTPs, and the collective training experience.

?We are honored by the ARCIC selection. Our company is the leading provider of IP-Based mass notification to the U.S. Army worldwide. ARCIC and numerous other Army locations are selecting Desktop Alert as a result of our industry leading 'less than one minute notification', superior past performance reports and assurance that when they procure our MNS platform, the platform arrives day one with lessons learned, best practices and real-world usage at iconic U.S. Army locations such as Fort Hood, Fort Gordon, Fort Knox, USMA at West Point, Fort Leavenworth, Fort Leonard Wood, Fort Campbell, Fort Bragg, Fort Rucker, Fort Polk, Fort Lee, Fort McAlester Army Depot as well as the National Guard and Air National Guard Enterprise deployment of our award winning notification platform", said Howard Ryan, Founder & Chief Research and Development at Desktop Alert Inc.

About Desktop Alert:

Worldwide U.S. Military organizations such as The United States National Guard, The United States Air Force Academy, The United States Military Academy at West Point, Multi-National Forces in IRAQ, The U.S. Air Force, The U.S. Army now utilize the Desktop Alert mass notification platform daily for their organizations emergency communication requirements. Desktop Alert can contact thousands of users with desktop alerts and require receipt confirmation of the message. Those not verified can then be listed on a report and/or sent as a "Target Package" to be automatically contacted by other means such as email, SMS, phone calls and other devices.

Howard Ryan
Desktop Alert System
Email Information


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